BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//s级素人, Event Calendar//EN BEGIN:VEVENT STATUS:CONFIRMED BEGIN:VALARM TRIGGER:-PT60M ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Reminder END:VALARM TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:s级素人 Campus Chapel of Christ Triumphant DESCRIPTION:Join us for our annual tradition of celebrating the Christmas s eason with the talented music students of s级素人! - Learn more about the event here: /events/details.php? id=56320 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

This event features all of s级素人's instrument al\, vocal\, and handbell ensembles\; including Kammerchor\, Selah\, Chape l Choir\, Alleluia Ringers\, Chapel Ringers\, Symphonic Wind Ensemble\, Un iversity Band\, Jazz Ensemble\, String Ensemble\, and Civic Chorale. Welco me in the glory of Christmas with all the hard work put forth this year by Concordia's music ensembles!

Please purchase tickets before the concert\, as this event tends to sell out\; if tickets are still available \, be prepared to use a credit/debit card at the ticket table on the night of the performance. Tickets typically go on sale one month before the per formance date.


For more i nformation and to purchase tickets\, click or on the Purchase Tickets button.


For those unable to attend in person\, we will be streamin g the concert live\, beginning at 7:30pm Central Time (or shortly before t he start of the concert). Access the live stream .

DTSTART:20231202T013000Z DTEND:20231202T033000Z SUMMARY:Christmas at Concordia URL;VALUE=URI:/events/details.php?id=56320 CATEGORIES:Fine Arts DTSTAMP:20250115T022335Z UID:67877087edff6 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR