BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//s¼¶ËØÈË, Event Calendar//EN BEGIN:VEVENT STATUS:CONFIRMED BEGIN:VALARM TRIGGER:-PT60M ACTION:DISPLAY DESCRIPTION:Reminder END:VALARM TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:Off Campus DESCRIPTION:Traditional undergraduate students are invited to the upcoming Business Etiquette Dinner\, hosted by the Business Scholars Club. - Learn more about the event here: /events/details.php?id=60865 X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

This event is designed to provide undergrad uate students with invaluable skills critical for success in the professio nal world.

April 11\, 2024

River Club of Mequon

We are honored to have Mariah Grumet\, a certified e tiquette trainer and the founder of Old Soul Etiquette based in New York C ity\, as our guest speaker. Mariah will guide us through the nuances of bu siness etiquette and networking strategies over a delightful four-course m eal.

This event presents a unique opportunity for you to refine your professional presence and expand your networking skills in a supportive e nvironment.

Attendance is free of charge for all students.

Bus iness attire.


This event i s open to s¼¶ËØÈË traditional undergraduate students.


Registration is required. Register .

< a href=" aWQ9MjYzNiZlbD1lbGVtZW50XzQxJmhhc2g9Y2E3MTE5NTE3NTQ4ZWJiNjFkM2EwNDI3N2I4ZW YzZjY=" target="_blank">QR Code


Thank you to our sponsors:


As a certified etiquette trainer\, Mariah's mission is to bring an intentional sparkle back to a lost art. Her method of teaching puts a modern and approachable twist on timeless lessons of et iquette\, manners\, and respect\, to help her clients create stronger conn ections\, distinguish themselves\, and reach their full potential in their personal and professional lives. Mariah is honored to work with individua ls of all ages and backgrounds located across the globe. Old Soul Etiquett e's services include private consulting\, group sessions\, webinars\, spea king engagements\, and special events on the following topics: youth\, soc ial\, dining and business etiquette\, personal branding\, wedding preparat ion\, style consulting\, and more. Mariah is a graduate of the University of Delaware with a Bachelor's Degree in Fashion Merchandising. She is cert ified to teach etiquette through The Protocol School of Palm Beach\, a gra duate of The English Manner and Beaumont Etiquette's Train the Trainer Gra de One PRogram with Merit\, and a member of the International Etiquette Tr ainer Society. Old Soul Etiquette has been seen on The Today Show NBC News \, and Fox News\, as well as in Forbes\, Southern Living\, The New York Po st\, Travel &\; Leisure\, Brides\, Martha Steward\, and more.

Lea rn more about Mariah Grumet and Old Soul Etiquette .

DTSTART:20240411T223000Z DTEND:20240412T010000Z SUMMARY:Business Etiquette Dinner with Mariah Grumet of Old Soul Etiquette URL;VALUE=URI:/events/details.php?id=60865 CATEGORIES:Academics DTSTAMP:20250205T100126Z UID:67a38b56188e0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR