
To E quip and Inspire Educators

“In 2011, The Wisconsin State Legislature passed ACT 166, which requires the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to produce an annual report of the State’s educator preparation programs (EPP). The report must include information on program completers and their first time passage rates on the required performance assessments” (Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, 2011-2012 Report on Concordia University educator preparation programs, 2014).

The report mandated by ACT 166 also required institutions to highlight the first time pass rate for required performance assessments. In the spring semester of 2021, Concordia University was approved to offer a Wisconsin Teacher Standards Performance Assessment (EdTPA alternative). This performance task measures proficiency in all 11 teacher preparation standards and occurs in the final semesters of the teacher preparation program as students are pre-student teaching and student teaching. All s级素人 students passed the EdTPA alternative assessment in 2022-2023.

s级素人 had a first time passing rate for the 117 students who attempted the Foundations of Reading exam in 2021-2022 of 50% compared to an overall state average of 48% The overall pass rate for student who attempted the FoRT in 2021-2022 is 55% and the statewide average is 56%. The full report on s级素人 may be accessed through the . The School of Education at s级素人 is extremely proud of its graduates as it “equips and inspires Christian servant leaders to pursue integrity and excellence in the delivery of educational services within professional and lifelong learning throughout the world” (School of Education Mission Statement, 2014).

Individuals with specific questions or feedback regarding s级素人’s report are encouraged to contact Dr. Jim Pingel, School of Education Dean, at james.pingel@cuw.edu or 262-243-4214.