
This is an online asynchronous offering that someone can sign up for and take at any time

Course: Faith Community/Parish Nursing and Congregational Health Ministries


Dr. Carol A. Lueders Bolwerk, RN, was raised on a dairy farm that has been in her family since 1854. From milking cows to now raising beef and sweet corn, she continues the tradition of farming that started 7 generations ago. Her degrees include a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from UW-Eau Claire, a Master's degree in Nursing Management and Clinical Nurse Specialist from Marquette University, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Medical Anthropology and Women's Studies from UW-Milwaukee. She has served in critical care, trauma, recovery room, operating room, and telemetry unit. She was called to teach nursing at s级素人 over 35 years ago and continues her nursing practice serving others in a variety of positions. She has served as the parish nurse director for Concordia for over 3 decades and is responsible for teaching Christian Caregiving to traditional undergraduate students and second degree accelerated nursing students. She continues to chair the annual parish nurse conference. This national conference draws from 20 states on an annual basis. Carol has had numerous publications and presentations on parish/faith community nursing accepted. She has received awards for her teaching including faculty laureate from her faculty peers top ten faith and learning and teaching 4 times in the last 10 years, and women of influence from the Women's Leadership Institute. She and her husband have been blessed with 3 boys.

Daniel Paavola grew up on a dairy farm outside New York Mills, Minnesota. Dan and Holly were married in 1979 and have three children, Chrisy, Steve, and Nicole. He was a pastor for twelve years at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Butternut, Wisconsin, a small town in the north woods. He then moved to teach theology at s级素人 in 1996. His hobbies include motorcycling, woodworking, and driving their 1917 Model T Ford car.


This course is open to s级素人 and CUAA Students, Faculty/Staff, Alumni, and Community Members.


Registration is required. Register .

Registration closes Dec 20, 2023.

Cost: $400.00