
Required forms

Exempt, Expedited & Full Board submissions must be completed using the online application within Cayuse. Cayuse is available through the s级素人AA Portal and uses Single Sign On for login.

The old Classroom Data Collection Form is embedded within the online application in Cayuse.

Additional forms

Not all forms are required but relevant ones should be used when applicable.

2024 Workshops

  • August 30th, 11am-12pm CT
  • September 11, 11am-12pm CT
  • September 24, 12pm-1pm CT
  • October 17, 12pm-1pm CT
  • November 19, 12pm-1pm CT

Register Here:


Frequently asked questions

Why do I need an IRB approval for my research?

Federal regulations require that research projects involving human subjects be reviewed by an IRB. So, if your research involves using human subjects, or engaging with them in any way, or requires access to their personally identifiable information, then you need approval. If you are not sure, always err on the side of caution” reach out to irb@cuw.edu to discuss your project.

Where do I submit my IRB application?

New applications must be submitted electronically through Cayuse. Use your Single Sign On (SSO) login on the to access .

Do I have to do CITI training?

We know it takes time to complete CITI Training. But it is not only required – it is essential to make sure you understand how to design and conduct your research to reduce participant risk and keep your research ethical.

All researchers wishing to submit an IRB application, and anyone planning to serve as project personnel, must first complete CITI training in an appropriate category (Biomedical or Social & Behavioral) for the research project. Find instructions here. If you are submitting a s级素人AA IRB protocol, you need s级素人AA CITI training. We do not accept certification from other institutions, as it is a liability for the university.

Faculty: you must have the correct CITI modules completed in order to be a student’s Co-PI and oversee their research. For example, if you are overseeing Social and Behavioral research, then you must have that certification.

How long does an IRB review take and what is the process like?

Exempt applications take about 10 business days to complete, but will take longer if you submit a protocol that is incomplete, unclear, or missing crucial considerations.

Expedited and Full Board studies take about a month to complete. An initial administrative evaluation is carried out on each IRB application. This assessment will determine the completeness of your application, and whether the project qualifies as "Exempt". The reviewer may ask for further information or ask questions about a specific part of your protocol, which will appear to you and be answerable within Cayuse.

You may begin your research after you receive a letter of approval through Cayuse.

Can I finish my research then get an IRB later? When is the best time to get an approval?

Absolutely not. Before you may proceed with your research (recruitment, data collection, etc.), the IRB must approve your protocol application. Submit your application well in advance of your planned recruitment, data collection or fieldwork time. For Exempt studies, allow a minimum of 2 weeks (10-14 business days) for review. For Expedited studies, allow 2 weeks (14 business days) and for Full Board studies, allow a minimum of one month.

Faculty: many of you engage in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL). This kind of research requires review just like any other. Be aware that if you collect data one semester without IRB permission, then you cannot go ahead and use it for research in a future semester by calling it “archival data”. If you are unsure about what kinds of course materials might become data for your research, please consult the IRB administrator for advice on how to properly prepare.

Should I design my research around the ease and speed of submitting protocol in a certain IRB category?

While a good researcher always considers feasibility for their projects, please do not try to fit your research into a particular category just because you think it will be easier and faster to get IRB permission. Consider, rather, what the ideal research design would look like and start from there. Don’t be afraid to go for an Expedited or Full Board level project, if that is where your research is headed. Just give yourself extra time for review!

What criteria does the IRB use to evaluate applications?

The IRB committee must be satisfied that the research is of sound design, is feasible, the participant risks and benefits are fairly balanced, and the researcher will adequately obtain informed consent from participants. Reviewers will often make suggestions to researchers (through Cayuse, directly on the protocol application) and ask clarifying questions that help improve your research design.

Why do I need IRB permission to engage participants I already see every day at work?

Doing research with human subjects is a privilege – you are asking someone to give you their precious time, information and effort. If you have access to a potential research participant because of your job or position, you need to take extra care in considering coercion in your project.

For example, if you are a teacher or professor, that does not automatically give you permission to use your students for your research. All participants must have the opportunity to opt out of research and not face any repercussions for doing so.

How will I know whether my IRB application has been approved?

After the IRB has reviewed your application, you will receive written notification of its status via Cayuse. At that time, the IRB committee will specify any adjustments that are necessary or will approve your application. Each time your application has to be reopened for you to answer reviewer questions or make adjustments, the clock for review starts over. We encourage you to take great care in the drafting of your application before submission and plan for the need to resubmit an updated version after IRB initial review.

How do I modify a protocol that has already been approved?

Use the Modification submission feature on Cayuse to modify an existing protocol. You will be able to see your proposed modifications side-by-side with the original application. Ensure that you have adequately explained and answered all questions. The modifications will be reviewed by the IRB and you will receive an approval via Cayuse if reviewers are satisfied. Allow 5-10 business days for approval of modifications.

What if I need more help?

We get a lot of requests for one-on-one meetings to discuss IRB protocols and research questions. Our staff has limited time and capacity to do so. While we try to accommodate scheduling one-on-one meetings as much as possible, please follow these guidelines when requesting one:

  • Prior to requesting a meeting, you need to have read all sections of the IRB webpage to see if your question is answered there.
  • Before requesting a meeting, check the IRB and ORSP websites to see if there are upcoming workshops on Cayuse and IRB. These workshops happen frequently and are a great way to learn about research going on at s级素人AA, as well as get answers to your questions.
  • If you still need to request a meeting, please do so by emailing irb@cuw.edu with a clear list of questions you have. Nine out of ten times, we can resolve your questions without having a meeting.
  • If you are a student, please go through your chair or advisor before scheduling a meeting. Do not be afraid to ask them questions and seek the support you need. They are responsible for you and your research and are likely to be able to help you. If you have an issue or question that they are not sure about, please make every effort to ensure they can attend your one-on-one with the IRB administrator.
  • If you are faculty supervising student research, please consider asking your student to attend the one-on-one you request with the IRB administrator. They are the researchers, and need to learn how to communicate their research.