
  • Course(s) offered abroad must be applicable to the host country/region.
  • The academic department(s) and Deans(s) are responsible for reviewing the proposed program including course subject matter and instructional delivery methods prior to submission.
  • Global Ed. courses offered abroad must be of comparable academic rigor to those offered on campus. The number of credits associated with the course(s) should be based on the number of contact hours (minimum 15 contact hours per undergraduate credit).
  • Contact hours may include classroom time, lectures, field trips/excursions, group learning activities, research, service learning, community projects, volunteer time, other academic activities, and cultural activities conducted prior to, during, and/or after the in-country program dates.
  • A program will typically have one primary Faculty Leader. If the program is associated with two or more discrete courses a second Faculty Leader may be considered. The second Faculty Leader will have equal teaching duties, receive a full salary, and their travel expenses should be budgeted into the per student program cost. If the travel experience is associated with one course but there is a desire for a second faculty leader/chaperone, schools will have discretion as to approving participation and payment for a second Faculty Leader.
  • Faculty Leaders submitting a Global Ed Course Proposal are committing to the program. However, to ensure continuity of the program if for some reason the primary Faculty Leader is for reasons outside their control unable to participate prior to departure, a Faculty Leader Alternate needs to be identified, and approved by the program chair and school Dean.

Application instructions

Proposal deadline for 2023 January/Winterim programs is November 15, 2021.

Proposal deadline for 2022 Summer or Spring Break programs is April 10, 2021

A complete program proposal must include the following:  

  • Global Education Course Proposal (Download .DOCX)
    • Part 1- Must be reviewed & signed by your chair and Dean before submitting to Study Abroad.
    • Part 2- Must contain the signatures and initials of all faculty leaders. This section is reviewed by the Study Abroad Faculty Advisory Committee.
  • Course syllabi for all courses being taught on the program that includes a tentative program schedule including anticipated topics, assignments, and learning activities for the course(s) prior to, during, and after the program.
  • Signatures of faculty leader(s), alternate faculty leader, department chair(s), and school dean(s).

Complete proposals should be scanned in and submitted via email to the Study Abroad Program Coordinator at: margaret.leimkuehler@cuw.edu

Frequently asked questions for global education proposals

When is the proposal due?

In response to Faculty feedback, the Study Abroad office has now opened 2 proposal cycles, one geared toward programs running in January, and one for Spring Break and Summer programs. This allows greater flexibility for faculty. The corresponding deadlines are as follows:

  • January/Winterim 2023 programs:  November 15, 2021 (13-15 months in advance)
  • Summer or Spring Break 2022 programs: April 10, 2021 (13-15 months in advance)
Why is the proposal due about a year ahead of time?

Many things need to take place between proposal and the start of your travel. Program development, budget development, logistical arrangements, recruiting students, student applications and registration for the course, execution of the on-campus side of the course, pre-departure orientations, etc. The industry standards surrounding short-term study abroad programs indicate that less than 12 months of lead time is not adequate for developing rigorous and safe programs.

When will I know the outcome of my proposal application?

Faculty members will be notified within four weeks of the submission deadline regarding the outcome of their proposal.

Can more than one department collaborate on a faculty-led program?

Interdisciplinary programs are encouraged, as they increase the learning outcomes for the students and the marketability of the program. Note that if multiple departments are included, each department chair and corresponding dean must sign off on the proposal.

Can more than one proposal be submitted by faculty members within the same academic department?

Yes, although competition between programs and an assessment of student demand will be taken into account when selecting programs for each cycle. Deans and department chairs are encouraged to consult with the Study Abroad Office in advance of the deadline if multiple proposals are being submitted, or to discuss strategies for faculty-led programming.

Can I make changes to my program after the proposal is submitted?

If your program is approved to run in the next calendar year, the Study Abroad Office will work with you to develop your program, during which process changes may be made as needed. Any changes to the academic content and/or number of contact hours/credits will made in consultation with the academic department(s) and school(s).

If I am proposing a program that was approved before, do I need to complete this form?

If you proposed a Global Education Course during or prior to the 2019-2020 proposal cycle for a program that is reoccurring on a yearly or bi-yearly basis, you do not need to complete the New Proposal Form. Instead you should complete the shorter “renewal” form sent by the Vice President of Academics.

Do I need to submit a syllabus for the course I plan to teach abroad?

The syllabus is an important component of the proposal and should include a timeline or tentative program schedule, learning and cultural activities, and learning outcomes for the student. If there are multiple courses being offered, a syllabus should be provided for each course.

Who reviews my program proposal?

Part One of the proposal and the syllabus is reviewed by your chair and Dean. Part Two of the proposal is reviewed by the Study Abroad Faculty Advisory Committee, made up of faculty members from all six schools. The Committee also verifies the completeness of Part One.

Will I have to complete a proposal for the same course every year?

If you run the same Global Ed course every year, indicate that your program runs every year on question 7. After this year, you will just need to complete a short renewal form where you will detail any changes to the program, such as different dates or expected costs.